Sunday, January 10, 2010

My First Chunkster

This weekend at the library I found my first Chunkster! :)

The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly.
Published: 2002
Pages: 544

I just happened to run across this book. My library is now 20mins. from my house as opposed to 5mins. like it was before I moved. So...because I had so many errands to run, I decided this trip to the library needed to be quick. I gave myself a time limit, and this is what I found! I haven't started the book yet, but from what I can tell, I'm in for an intriguing story and beautiful prose.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Challenges

Since one of my goals for 2010 is to blog more, I've decided participating in a couple of challenges couldn't hurt. Obviously, I've never done this before, so I'm hoping everything turns out well. The challenges I've selected to participate in this year don't seem that hard--though I suspect they are called challenges for a reason.

Here is what I've chosen to participate in:

The Challenge: The 2010 Pub Challenge
The Host: Michelle at
The Timeline: 2010

The Goal:
Read 10 (5 must be fiction) books first published in 2010.
(Reprints & Newly published paperbacks do not count.)

The Challenge: The 2010 Chunkster Challenge
The Host:
The Timeline: Feb. 2010 to Jan. 2011
The Goal:
I've decided to participate in the level entitled,
"The Chubby Chunkster"
For this, I need to read 3 books over 450 pages.
I'm really excited for the reading ahead! I can't wait to post my selections for the challenges!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year

Let's be honest...I'm quite horrible about keeping up with the blog.
When I think about everything I've done since I last posted, I'm quite amazed. I moved to a different state, changed jobs, found a new library, and settled into life in a new home. Then of course came the seemingly endless travel for the holidays. However far I traveled, it was well worth it. Seeing everybody's smiling faces made the distance between us seem not so far away.

But, before I look ahead to 2010, let's reflect on 2009.

I rang in 2009 with Ex Libris by Anne Fadiman.

In April, I made the delightful discovery of author Mireille Guiliano. I started with French Women for All Seasons, and subsequently read French Women Don't Get Fat. I'm currently working on her latest book: Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire.

Then came my further discovery of Jen Lancaster. I continued to read her hilarious and charming books...I still need to read Pretty in Plaid though.

And then of course, months later (with lots of reading in between), I started to blog. Here I discovered and discussed, The Wednesday Sisters and Not Becoming My Mother.

Given my absence, my goal for this year, naturally, is to read and write more. But, I do have some specifics. Since my drive to work is now 45mins. (one way), I plan to use audio books to turn drive time into listening time. Also, I'd like to read some international authors/books. I've found that I don't really travel much beyond the U.S. borders when reading, and this year I intend to expand my horizons. This year I have also decided to read one "business" book a month. And while I'm reading and listening, my goal is to blog 3 times a week.

I'll of course be recording all my reads in my book journal, hoping to fill its pages by next year. So, here's to 2010 being filled with great memories, great laughs, and great reads.