Sunday, October 18, 2009

Library Loot (Week of Oct. 17th)

Here are my library finds this week.

A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott

I'm a big fan of Little Women, but I never even knew this book existed. Just from reading the jacket, this is going be a suspenseful read!

Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

At a bookstore, I bought the Complete Idiot's Guide to the Ultimate Reading List for $2.99. There are nearly 1,000 books listed. Since I love reading lists, I totally bought it. My goal is to eventually have read all the books listed. This book is on that list. I can't get enough of the newest Casino Royale movie, and I've never read an Ian Fleming book before.

Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch

I just happened to come across this book. It's got a cute cover and seems to be light-hearted while asking some legitimate questions.

Library Loot is a weekly event hosted by Eva from A Striped Armchair and Marg from Reading Adventures encouraging bloggers to share their library finds.

On another note, I went to a couple of used bookstores this week and found the Lakeshore Chronicles by Susan Wiggs. I read the first book in the series--Summer at Willow Lake this weekend. It's a cozy enjoyable read!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed A Long & Fatal Love Chase, though I was surprised by how different it was! It's quite trashy for that era, but great fun. ;)
